High Yield Savings Account
Open One of Our New High Yield Savings Accounts and Watch Your Money Grow!

on balances of $100,000 or more
Take advantage of today's higher interest rates and put your money to work!
Great Rate — Earn over 10x the National Average on your Savings2
Added Benefit — Your 4.25%APY High Yield Savings Account balances qualify you for True Local Premium Checking with no monthly maintenance fee3
Safe & Secure — Your PCSB Savings Account is FDIC Insured
Convenient — Manage your Savings Account Anytime, Anywhere with our Mobile App
PERSONAL OR BUSINESS — PCSB High Yield Savings Accounts are available for both consumers and businesses — it’s the safest way to earn while you save!
1 High Yield Savings Special Offer 4.25%APY: This offer is available for personal and business accounts. Required minimum to earn 4.25% Annual Percentage Yield (APY) is $100,000 with funds not currently on deposit at PCSB Bank. PCSB Bank Checking Account is required. As of 4/03/23, balances of $100 to $99,999 earn 0.25%APY; balances of $100,000 or more earn 4.25%APY, guaranteed through 12/31/23, after which APY will be subject to change at any time at our discretion. Fees could reduce earnings. For personal accounts, the monthly maintenance fee of $2.00 will be waived with an average daily balance of $25. Other general deposit account terms and conditions apply. We reserve the right to withdraw this limited-time, special offer at any time at our discretion.
2 Based on comparison to the national average Annual Percentage Yield (APY) on savings accounts as published in the FDIC National Rates and Rate Caps, accurate as of March 20, 2023.
3 True Local Premium Checking monthly maintenance fee of $12 waived with combined qualifying balances of $25,000 or more. Applies to consumer (personal, family, household) account holders only.